If you have old hearing aids that are no longer being used, you have come to the right place! Hearing aids are a financial investment that many people do not want to see thrown away when they no longer use them. The old hearing aids can be donated to organizations that use them for others.  Please follow the steps below to donate your old hearing aids.
  1. Download PDF file
  2. Fill out form
  3. Drop hearing aids and completed form off at the office
  4. The audiologist will mail donated hearing aids at the end of each of the following months: April, August, and December
  5. You may receive a thank you letter from the organization you choose to donate to
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of letters for tax purposes, the time frame for the letter will be mailed to you, or the value that will be placed on the hearing aids.
For more information about some of the organizations listed on the Hearing Aid Donation form, please follow these links.